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Joe Wicks injures himself while trying to do the splits during PE With Joe

Joe Wicks injures himself while trying to do the splits during PE With Joe
The Body Coach star, 34, took to Instagram to admit that he injured himself during Friday's Covid lockdown PE classes while making a grand entrance.

Joe Wicks injures his hamstring while trying to do the splits during PE With Joe... as his 'fart-gate' video becomes his most popular Instagram post EVER

By Kate Dennett and Olivia Wheeler For Mailonline

Published: 19:07 GMT, 15 January 2021 | Updated: 19:09 GMT, 15 January 2021

He left fans in hysterics earlier this week after admitting that he broke wind during a PE With Joe workout as he didn't realise he was live on-air.

And Joe Wicks has experienced another PE With Joe drama as he hurt his hamstring while trying to do the full splits during Friday's episode.

The Body Coach star, 34, took to Instagram to admit that he injured himself while trying to nail the bold move during his popular Covid-19 lockdown PE classes.

Bold move: Joe Wicks has experienced a PE With Joe drama as he hurt his hamstring while trying to do the full splits on Friday's episode
Bold move: Joe Wicks has experienced a PE With Joe drama as he hurt his hamstring while trying to do the full splits on Friday's episode

Bold move: Joe Wicks has experienced a PE With Joe drama as he hurt his hamstring while trying to do the full splits on Friday's episode

He shared the clip of when he injured himself during his 'fancy dress Friday' session, which saw him hilariously dressed up as Toy Story's Buzz Lightyear. 

In the video, Joe could be seen running around his room and jumping into the air before skilfully leaping into both a forwards and backwards roly-poly.

But the fitness sensation seemed to have overestimated his flexibility as he attempted to jump straight down into the forwards splits and sideways splits.

While attempting the side splits, he could be heard squealing in alarm and rolling across the floor clutching his upper leg in agony.

Ouch! The Body Coach star, 34, took to Instagram to admit that he 'pulled' his hamstring as he tried to make a grand entrance his popular Covid-19 lockdown PE classes
Ouch! The Body Coach star, 34, took to Instagram to admit that he 'pulled' his hamstring as he tried to make a grand entrance his popular Covid-19 lockdown PE classes

Ouch! The Body Coach star, 34, took to Instagram to admit that he 'pulled' his hamstring as he tried to make a grand entrance his popular Covid-19 lockdown PE classes

But the show had to go on for Joe because he was live-on-air hosting his latest batch of PE lessons during the painful accident.

Admitting his injury on Instagram afterwards, he penned: 'Heee heeee! Shamone. Legit pulled my hammy doing PE with Joe this morning. 

'Fancy dress Friday NOTE TO SELF: You can't actually do the full splits Joe'

The YouTube star also took to his Instagram stories to solemnly speak about his hamstring injury, while still dressed in his fancy dress outfit.

Joe revealed that he 'believed' he could do the full splits because dressing as Buzz Lightyear made him believe he could achieve it. 

Fancy dress: He shared the clip of when he injured himself during the fancy dress Friday fitness session, which saw him hilariously dressed up as Toy Story's Buzz Lightyear
Fancy dress: He shared the clip of when he injured himself during the fancy dress Friday fitness session, which saw him hilariously dressed up as Toy Story's Buzz Lightyear

Fancy dress: He shared the clip of when he injured himself during the fancy dress Friday fitness session, which saw him hilariously dressed up as Toy Story's Buzz Lightyear

Appearing downtrodden, he explained: 'Twanged my hammy didn't I. I believe in my head that I can do things I can't, I believed in my head I could do the full splits.'

His latest fiasco comes after he accidentally broke wind during a PE With Joe class on Wednesday, not realising that he was live on air.

Taking to his stories on Friday, he admitted that his 'fart-gate' video has become his most popular video since he joined Instagram back in May 2013.

Joe said that despite sharing more than 10,000 posts and racking up four million followers, it is the video of him farting that has become the most engaged with post.

He quipped that he has learnt that all he needs to do is 'fart more' during his fitness videos, rather than tirelessly filming and 'putting so much content up'.

Oh dear! But the fitness sensation seemed to have overestimated his flexibility as he attempted to jump down into two sets of forwards splits and sideways splits
Oh dear! But the fitness sensation seemed to have overestimated his flexibility as he attempted to jump down into two sets of forwards splits and sideways splits

Oh dear! But the fitness sensation seemed to have overestimated his flexibility as he attempted to jump down into two sets of forwards splits and sideways splits

Breaking wind: It comes after Joe admitted that the video of himself accidentally farting live on air has become his most popular video since he joined Instagram back in May 2013
Breaking wind: It comes after Joe admitted that the video of himself accidentally farting live on air has become his most popular video since he joined Instagram back in May 2013

Breaking wind: It comes after Joe admitted that the video of himself accidentally farting live on air has become his most popular video since he joined Instagram back in May 2013

The fitness coach explained:  'The fart-gate yesterday has now become my most ever engaged post. 

'So it's taken me an accidental fart on a YouTube live to have that many comments on a post. I've shared 10,000 posts and I've just hit four million followers. 

'All that work - the recipes in my kitchen, all the holidays when I was filming, when I was injured and just putting so much content up - and it took a fart to become the most engaged post ever. 

'So what I've learnt is fart more, let it out, open up to it and just be honest.'

Joe also revealed that his Instagram stories video, where he discussed accidentally breaking wind on YouTube, has racked up his highest ever stories view in one day.

His hilarious mishap did not go unnoticed as the video where he candidly discussed the 'embarrassing' moment managed to secure 841,205 views in just 24 hours. 

Gone with the Wind! Joe Wicks previously confessed that he did break wind during his PE With Joe workout as he didn't realise he was live on-air (pictured earlier this month on This Morning)
Gone with the Wind! Joe Wicks previously confessed that he did break wind during his PE With Joe workout as he didn't realise he was live on-air (pictured earlier this month on This Morning)

Gone with the Wind! Joe Wicks previously confessed that he did break wind during his PE With Joe workout as he didn't realise he was live on-air (pictured earlier this month on This Morning) 

The Body Coach star previously admitted that he had accidentally 'let rip' on Tuesday's episode of Mark Wright's Evening Show on Heart. 

He hilariously admitted he was 'so embarrassed' as he had let out the 'longest ripper' he has ever done in his life during PE With Joe. 

Joe revealed that he has now even asked his friend to edit the video as he can't 'have that living on there forever'. 

He admitted: 'I'm so embarrassed by what's happened today. Basically, I filmed my first P.E with Joe yesterday, live at 9am, right.   

'I pressed the live button just on my YouTube stream, and just before, I'm talking 20 seconds before, something slipped out Mark… and you can guess what it will be Mark…'

Hilarious: On Tuesday's episode of Mark Wright's Evening Show on Heart, he said he was 'so embarrassed' as he let out the 'longest ripper' ever (pictured during his Monday workout)
Hilarious: On Tuesday's episode of Mark Wright's Evening Show on Heart, he said he was 'so embarrassed' as he let out the 'longest ripper' ever (pictured during his Monday workout)

Hilarious: On Tuesday's episode of Mark Wright's Evening Show on Heart, he said he was 'so embarrassed' as he let out the 'longest ripper' ever (pictured during his Monday workout)

Confession: Joe also told host Mark (pictured) that he has now even asked his friend to edit the video as he can't 'have that living on there forever'
Confession: Joe also told host Mark (pictured) that he has now even asked his friend to edit the video as he can't 'have that living on there forever'

Confession: Joe also told host Mark (pictured) that he has now even asked his friend to edit the video as he can't 'have that living on there forever' 

To which Mark quipped: 'How did it happen Joe? Because I'm looking at it, you're so professional with your [YouTube] lives and stuff, you're incredible with what you do, but how did you make the mistake? 

'Did you already press "live" and you didn't know you were live? What went wrong?'

With Joe explaining: 'No, listen 800,000 people have seen that video. I didn't know. When you go live, you press live and there's about a 20 seconds delay but for some reason the link had opened and it was buffering and it basically got the sound. 

'So I've let out this giant – honestly, the longest ripper I've ever let out in my life. I didn't realise it was live so I've done the ripper, "Ooo, 5,4,3,2,1", I jumped in and I only found out today.'

Mark was quick to reassure the fitness star as he added: 'Oh incredible, but listen you're so good with the kids and kids love a trump. I mean my little cousins, I'm always trumping in front of them. 

Oh dear! Joe said: 'I pressed the live button just on my YouTube stream, and just before, I'm talking 20 seconds before, something slipped out Mark¿ and you can guess what it will be Mark¿' (pictured during said workout)
Oh dear! Joe said: 'I pressed the live button just on my YouTube stream, and just before, I'm talking 20 seconds before, something slipped out Mark¿ and you can guess what it will be Mark¿' (pictured during said workout)

Oh dear! Joe said: 'I pressed the live button just on my YouTube stream, and just before, I'm talking 20 seconds before, something slipped out Mark… and you can guess what it will be Mark…' (pictured during said workout)  

'They go "Mark, Mark, Mark, trump!" because it is the best noise, and it makes us laugh. As my Nana always says, "Wherever you may be, let your wind run free. Church or chapel, let your old... rattle."'

Yet despite being left embarrassed, Joe admitted he has seen the funny side and noted how hilarious the comments are.

He said: 'Well that's what happened! And I tell you what, some of the comments are hilarious!

'I've got to be honest, I've gone back to the video and got my mate to edit it out because I can't have that living on there forever.'    

PE With Joe viewers were left in hysterics on Monday after Joe appeared to break wind at the start of his live workout.

Awkward! 'So I've let out this giant ¿ honestly, the longest ripper I've ever let out in my life. I didn't realise it was live so I've done the ripper,
Awkward! 'So I've let out this giant ¿ honestly, the longest ripper I've ever let out in my life. I didn't realise it was live so I've done the ripper,

Awkward! 'So I've let out this giant – honestly, the longest ripper I've ever let out in my life. I didn't realise it was live so I've done the ripper, "Ooo, 5,4,3,2,1", I jumped in and I only found out today,' he confessed (the start of Joe's workout where he broke wind)  

As the Body Coach star let the video play out at the beginning before starting the workout, some eagle-eared fans heard a noise resembling the passing of gas.   

While Joe, who was off camera, could be heard saying: '3, 2, 1, live now... go, go, go!'

Fans were left in hysterics over the start of the video as they questioned whether Joe had accidentally broke wind without realising he was on camera.

One person said: 'That wasn't what it sounded like at the start surely..!? Joe, Joe Joe...'

A different fan put: 'Can someone please tell me if that was real at the start,' they added: 'Happens to us all.'

Another account claimed: 'Listen to the massive fart at the beginning ........ #PEwithjoe.'  

Did he? Fans were left in hysterics on Monday as they questioned whether Joe had accidentally broke wind without realising he was on camera
Did he? Fans were left in hysterics on Monday as they questioned whether Joe had accidentally broke wind without realising he was on camera

Did he? Fans were left in hysterics on Monday as they questioned whether Joe had accidentally broke wind without realising he was on camera

While another follower commented: 'Anyone heard that thing at the start?' 

Although one viewer had a logical explanation for the noise and said that it was likely due to Joe's workout shorts, responding to the furore, they noted: 'Probably his shorts.' 

It comes after Joe announced that he will recommence his PE With Joe YouTube series from Monday January 11.

The fitness star, who launched the initiative when the UK was plunged into its first lockdown in March 2020, made the announcement on Twitter, after a third lockdown was announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson last Monday. 

'PE with Joe is back Monday 11th January at 9AM (UK time). Please Retweet and let as many parents and schools as possible know. The sessions will be live Mon, Wed & Fri's at 9AM on YouTube,' he posted. 

He's back! It comes after Joe announced that he will recommence his PE With Joe YouTube series from Monday January 11
He's back! It comes after Joe announced that he will recommence his PE With Joe YouTube series from Monday January 11

He's back! It comes after Joe announced that he will recommence his PE With Joe YouTube series from Monday January 11

He also shared a video of himself explaining why he is reinstating the online classes, aimed to keep children and fit when schools are closed.

'Hello to all the parents and teachers out there. I'm bringing PE With Joe back.

'I'm sorry I can't commit to all five days. I'm hoping three days is going to help young children and family get through this difficult time when schools are closed, to bring some energy, change their mood, lift their spirits and their mental health. Just kick their day off with something positive.

'Share this message, let your schools and your friends and family, and anyone with young children [know]. 

'I'm really looking forward to it. They're going to be 20 minutes long, so nice and short. Focused on exercise for young children. Suitable for all ages. Similar to what I did during the first lockdown, but much shorter. I hope to see you there on Monday with the kids.' 

Announcement: He posted the news to Twitter last week after the third lockdown was announced
Announcement: He posted the news to Twitter last week after the third lockdown was announced

Announcement: He posted the news to Twitter last week after the third lockdown was announced 

Last Monday, the PM announced that schools across England will remain shut as part of a new national coronavirus lockdown.

He set out the 'next steps' in the Government's Covid-19 response in an address to the nation. 

England is facing blanket restrictions similar to those imposed during the first lockdown last spring, until the most vulnerable are vaccinated. The PM said that it will be reviewed in mid-February 

Schools will remain shut to all but vulnerable children and the children of key workers in the coming weeks. 

Father-of-two Joe kept families in shape across the first 2020 lockdown, when schools were closed across the country. His online workouts went viral and he racked up a huge global following from it.

At it again! The fitness star, who launched the initiative when the UK was plunged into its first lockdown in March 2020, made the announcement on Twitter
At it again! The fitness star, who launched the initiative when the UK was plunged into its first lockdown in March 2020, made the announcement on Twitter

At it again! The fitness star, who launched the initiative when the UK was plunged into its first lockdown in March 2020, made the announcement on Twitter

He has just launched his new app, which has reportedly made him more than £9million in a week.

The Body Coach app was launched on iPhone and iPad platforms at the start of December at a discounted price of £69.99, down from the usual cost of £89.99.

It has now been claimed the product has been 'raking' in around £46,000 an hour after 130,000 people signed up between Christmas and the New Year. 

An insider told The Sun: 'Joe's Body Coach programme has always been hugely popular but the app version is a runaway hit.

'It was on a discount, meaning it was even more appealing, especially as Brits started looking to get into shape after Christmas. The app was taking around £46,000 an hour....he's absolutely raking it in.'

Join Mark Wright on Heart, Monday to Thursday evenings from 7pm-10pm and on Sundays from 12pm-4pm.

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