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Tory donor John Caudwell tells the BBC he is voting Labour

Tory donor John Caudwell tells the BBC he is voting Labour
Phones4U founder John Caudwell gave the Conservatives £500K before the last general election.

John Caudwell has been increasingly critical of the Conservatives in recent months and is particularly outspoken about the prime minister.

“Everything he did within COVID was wrong. He paid people for furlough which was all or nothing. He gave them too much in the wrong way.

"The criticisms that I made of Rishi during his chancellorship, I think were pretty much evidenced in the D Day situation,” which he claimed showed “a complete lack of judgement.”

He said “until a few months ago I was voteless” but he had met Sir Keir and Sir Tony Blair in January, and saw the Labour leader again last Friday after the publication of the party's manifesto.

He has not given any money to the Labour Party but said “it is quite possible” he would in the future “if I think they have done an amazing job.”

Giving his reaction, Sir Keir said: "I’m delighted that John, someone with such a successful track-record in business, has today thrown his support behind the changed Labour Party that I lead."

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