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Can You Put Two T-Rexes Together in Jurassic World Evolution 2?

Can You Put Two TRexes Together in Jurassic World Evolution 2
Wondering if you can put two T-rexes together in Jurassic World Evolution 2 without them slaughtering each other? Read on.
Wondering if you can or should put two T-rexes together in Jurassic World Evolution 2? Here’s what you need to know.

Jurassic World Evolution 2 lets you create Tyrannosaurus rexes, amongst other beasts, from fossilized DNA. As anyone who knows their dinosaurs or has seen Jurassic Park knows they’re not exactly cute and fluffy. So can you risk putting two in the same enclosure?

The answer is yes, you can. They will play fight, as part of social behaviour, and it’s entirely possible that fighting might end in a concussion (which they will recover from with time). But will they kill each other in a tornado of blood and gore? No.

Should you, though? We’d suggest you think twice and, at the very least, make sure you’ve got an enclosure that’s capable of containing Cthulhu himself. Why? Because if one escaped T-rex is bad, two is even worse. How many people will the rex kill before you reign them back in?

So, yes, you can have two T-rexes together and they won’t kill each other but you should at least feel a little nervous about it.

Check out our other Jurassic World Evolution 2 guides.

Buy Jurassic World Evolution 2 from Amazon

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