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LoL's Skarner gets a major makeover! Ishtar founder and sad monster to

LoLs Skarner gets a major makeover Ishtar founder and sad monster to
The popular MOBA "League of Legends," developed and managed by RIAT Games, has remade the champion "Skanner" and implemented it in the game! The design, storyline, and of course the in-game skills have changed drastically.

Remake Champion "Skarner, Guardian of the Primitive

I am here. I am here to protect Ishtar.


At the time of writing, League of Legends has 167 champions (playable characters) that are intricately intertwined and balanced. Skarner" has been remade and reimplemented with a complete overhaul of the game's models, artwork, skills, playstyle, and storyline.

Unique Skill - Resonance Vibration

固有スキル - 響振動LoL公式サイト

Skarner's normal attacks, "Shattered Earth", "Wrath of the Earth", and "Impale", cause enemies to "vibrate". When the maximum stack of "Vibration" is reached, the enemy will be dealt magic damage corresponding to its maximum strength over the duration of the effect.


This unique skill can be used to counter even the strongest tank champions by stacking attacks.

Q - Shattered Earth / Wrath of the Earth

Q - 砕けし大地 / 大地の怒りLoL公式サイト

Digs up a huge rock from the ground that enhances normal attacks. The rock can be thrown as a powerful flying object.


It is a simple skill that strengthens the normal attack after activation. However, it can also be used for long-range attacks by reactivating it, so it must be used in different situations.

W - Fortress of Fierce Quake

W - 激震の砦LoL公式サイト

It gains a shield and generates an earthquake, which damages and slows down the enemy with a shockwave.


It is similar to the skill before the remake, but it gives a shield to itself while dealing damage and a slowing effect to its surroundings.

E - Ishtar's Impulse

E - イシュタルの衝動LoL公式サイト

Charges forward and through terrain. When it collides with a champion or large monster, it slams the target into the next wall it hits, damaging and stunning it.


It is a versatile skill that can be used to chase or escape enemies while ignoring terrain. It has a peculiar feel to its operation, but it can hold the first champion it hits for a long time, so practice is required.

R - Impale

R - インペイルLoL公式サイト

The tail penetrates forward, inflicting a suppression effect on the enemy champion. Victims of the suppression effect are dragged along with the scorner's movement.


The skill synonymous with Skarner has also been adjusted in the remake. It can drag up to three champions, so expect explosive power in group battles.

A New Story of Champions

As mentioned above, each of the 167 champions in "League of Legends" has its own story. Many fans like the worldview of the champions, even though it has nothing to do with how strong they are in the game. Elyse Lemoine, Senior Writer at Raiatto Games, talks about Skarner's new story in this video.

Skarner, an ancient creature known as Brakan, is revered as one of the founders of the Yun Tal, the ruling class that governs Ishtar, and is dedicated to protecting it from the outside world by maintaining its isolation. However, as more and more members of the Yun Tal begin to question this decision, Skanner is becoming increasingly skeptical, and he is determined to protect Ishtar and its inhabitants at all costs - no matter the cost.


The new story of "Skanner" can be found on the official "LoL" website. The new "Skarner" story can be found on the official "LoL" website, and is already available in the game, so be sure to give the new "Skarner" a try.

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