Illegally released lynx captured NatureScot statement

09 January 2025
We are relieved to hear that the two lynx illegally released into the Cairngorms National Park have been successfully captured. This is thanks to the swift actions of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, Cairngorms National Park Authority, Police Scotland and other partner agencies as well as information provided by local residents, estates and farmers.
Any unauthorised release such as this is illegal and completely unacceptable. Reintroduction projects are often complex and need careful consideration and planning to ensure national and international best practice guidelines are met. Any proposed lynx reintroduction would require a significant amount of consultation, as well as evidence to assess the risks and benefits associated. Ensuring that the views of those who would be most affected by any species reintroduction are fully taken into account is a priority for NatureScot and the Scottish Government.
Anyone with information relating to this incident should call Police Scotland on 101 quoting incident number 2179. As this is an ongoing police investigation we cannot comment further at this stage.
Title image: A captive European lynx at the Highland Wildlife Park near Aviemore.