WORDLE 275 answer for March 21, 2022
20 Mar 2022
Economic Times

The WORDLE 275 on March 21, 2022's answer has been revealed. It is not so difficult for players to decipher, and players should not have a hard time guessing it. All that's needed is a good number of vowels in their strategy.

Let's keep the guessing for another day and reveal the answer. The answer for WORDLE 275 is "THEIR."
The word is a determiner and means "belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified." (Definitions from Oxford Languages)
The word should not be difficult to decipher for the players. Most of the guesses, in the beginning, will find "I" and "E." The easiest ones are the vowels, while the toughest one has to be "H," even though it is ubiquitous. Most people will be aware of the word "THEIR," keeping aside the fact that most people get confused with its usage.For the people who are still struggling to find answers, the best way is to eliminate possibilities by guessing one by one. Use vowels in your first and second try at all times.
Here are a few tips to help you ace WORDLE:
- Do not use any letter couple of times in the first attempt
- Ensure to use two vowels in the first guess. They can be "E" and "A."
- Never use letters like "X," "Q," and "Z" unless you are certain later on that you know these will fit in.