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PlayStation reportedly has an event planned for March 2022 featuring Hogwarts Legacy and God of War Ragnarok

PlayStation reportedly has an event planned for March 2022 featuring Hogwarts Legacy and God of War Ragnarok
According to recent rumors, PlayStation reportedly has an event planned for March 2022, and it will be a ‘good one.

According to recent rumors, PlayStation reportedly has an event planned for March 2022, and it will be a ‘good one.’

With a massive console family and first-party games like God of War, Horizon Forbidden West, and Marvel’s Spider-Man, Sony's PlayStation is one of the biggest brands in the gaming industry.

According to multiple sources, a March 2022 event for PlayStation seems almost certain, with games like Hogwarts Legacy and God of War Ragnarok being part of the conversation.

Hogwarts Legacy and God of War Ragnarok seems certain for a March 2022 PlayStation event

Recently, well-known industry insider Tom Henderson speculated that sony might be planning an event in March, which was later confirmed by reputed scooper Shpeshal Nick.

Henderson later shared a detailed thread discussing the possibility of which games could be shown at the March event. The two most noteworthy titles that jumped out are the RPG title set in Harry Potter’s wizarding world, Hogwarts Legacy, and the much-hyped follow-up to Sony Santa Monica’s game of the year title, God of War Ragnarok.

Happy to add to what’s already out there. Yes, they’ve got a show in March. This is supposed to be “the good one”…
Not a scoop or anything... But surely PlayStation has to be doing *something* in March?

There's too many things aligning that suggest it's probably the case.

Not a scoop or anything... But surely PlayStation has to be doing *something* in March?There's too many things aligning that suggest it's probably the case.
Happy to add to what’s already out there. Yes, they’ve got a show in March. This is supposed to be “the good one”…

Accountngt, another well-known industry insider, recently shared over Twitter, that he can conform with 100% certainty that a new Hogwarts Legacy trailer is coming in March.

Since its first official reveal back in September 2020, there hasn’t been any significant trailer or news regarding the title, bar from the news of its delay to 2022.

The lack of news from the studio’s side has left fans speculating about a possible delay to 2023. However, it was dismissed by Jason Kilar, the CEO of Warner Media, who assured that both Gotham Knight and Hogwarts Legacy will maintain their 2022 release date.

God Of War Ragnarok is scheduled to release this year, but no release date has yet been set.

A new trailer and release date around March would be ideal, with an additional trailer/dedicated State of Play closer to release.

God Of War Ragnarok is scheduled to release this year, but no release date has yet been set.A new trailer and release date around March would be ideal, with an additional trailer/dedicated State of Play closer to release.

As for the God of War Ragnarok, it has been in development since 2018. Even since its title reveal back in 2020, the hype for the title has been high, which was further fueled by the 2021 gameplay reveal, pushing the anticipation to the extreme.

According to my own sources, Warner Bros. has been waiting to show off more of Hogwarts Legacy for the past couple of months, but Sony hasn't given the opportunity to do so yet.

Hogwarts Legacy is still scheduled for a 2022 release.

According to my own sources, Warner Bros. has been waiting to show off more of Hogwarts Legacy for the past couple of months, but Sony hasn't given the opportunity to do so yet.Hogwarts Legacy is still scheduled for a 2022 release.

Following Horizon Forbidden West in February and Gran Turismo 7 in March, PlayStation doesn’t have any upcoming games for 2022, bar God of War Ragnarok. As such, it would make sense to reveal a new trailer for the game with the release date, which according to recent leaks is set for June.

It should be emphasized that the March 2022 event isn’t officially confirmed. However, based on the reputation of industry insiders, its certainty seems high.

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Disclaimer: This article reflects the opinions of the writer.
Edited by Srijan Sen
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