Live: Plymouth flood warning and alerts after heavy rain
Flood alert for South Cornwall coast from Rame Head to Plymouth including tidal estuaries
Flooding is possible over the morning and evening high tides on Friday 9th February, Saturday 10th February, Sunday 11th February and Monday 12th February, and the morning high tide of Tuesday 13th February.
High water at Plymouth is at 05:10 and 17:42 on Friday and at 05:58 and 18:28 Saturday, Times of high water will vary along the coast.
High spring tides coinciding with low pressure and moderate southerly winds could cause flooding to quay sides and low-lying coastal areas.
Expect tides to be up to 0.7m higher than predicted due to weather conditions.
Keep up to date with weather and tide conditions on local radio. We will continue to monitor the situation and issue daily updates.
Detailed tidal information for those who use it:
The forecast high tide level at Plymouth on Friday morning is 2.92mAOD, this is 0.72 metres above astronomical tide level.
The forecast high tide level at Plymouth on Friday afternoon is 2.66mAOD, this is 0.55 metres above astronomical tide level.
Flood alert area: Rame Head to Plymouth including Kingsand, Cawsand, Cremyll, Torpoint, Saltash, tidal rivers Tamar and Plym excluding Plymouth Barbican.