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Genshin Impact streamer explains why HoYoverse needs to stop being “stingy” with rewards

Genshin Impact streamer explains why HoYoverse needs to stop being stingy with rewards
Genshin Impact streamer Mtashed believes HoYoverse should be less "stingy" with Primogems, characters, and Resin. Here's what he had to say.

Popular Genshin Impact streamer, Mtashed, believes HoYoverse needs to increase the number of free characters and rewards it gives players, noting how “stingy” the current state of the game is. 

The entire world of Genshin Impact can be freely explored without spending a penny, which enables players from around the world to enjoy the colorful world of Teyvat. However, the game is greatly elevated when Travelers have access to more units. 

While the title features a number of free Genshin Impact characters that players can get without rolling on the game’s banners, it can be tricky to unlock new 5-stars. This is especially true when players have limited ways to earn Primogems and don’t have enough Resin to Grind Artifacts. 

Mtashed believes HoYoverse should be less stingy with their rewards and enable Travelers of all levels to get more chances to claim characters. 

Mtashed believes Genshin Impact needs more rewards
Genshin Impact Raiden Shogun with Lumine and AetherGenshin Impact Raiden Shogun with Lumine and Aether
Mtashed believes Genshin Impact should give out more rewards and characters.

“If Genshin Impact gives us Primogems and we get more characters, we’re not going to quit the game,” explained Mtashed. “We’re probably going to play more, because we have more characters we want to use, build, and try.” 

In fact, Mtashed believes it would have the opposite effect and would enable players to invest more time enjoying the game. This is especially true if Travelers manage to secure a larger roster of units to build team comps around.

“If all I have is Amber and never get anyone else, then I’m going to get bored,” said the streamer. “I don’t think there’s a problem with giving us a bone here and there, and giving us a free character here and there. I think Genshin is a little bit stingy, but people are going to quit when they get bored.”

Mtashed also notes that if HoYoverse were to increase other in-game materials like Resin, then players would likely spend more time grinding for Artifacts. Because of this increase, he believes players would be less likely to quit after securing the Artifact sets they need. 

Whether HoYoverse makes changes to the amount of free Primogems, Intertwined Fates, and free characters remains to be seen, but many Travelers hope possible adjustments could come in the future. 

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