Yae Miko materials and artifacts to farm before update 2.5

Now that Yae Miko is officially on her way, it’s time for Genshin Impact players to start grinding up her ascension and talent materials.
Yae Miko is the newest five-star character coming to Genshin Impact. The electro catalyst-wielder has an exciting set of abilities designed to churn out damage all throughout a fight. As with any new character, Yae Miko fans should start farming materials ahead of time to prepare for her release. The first Genshin Impact 2.5 banner is coming in just a few weeks. Now is the perfect time to start building Yae Miko in advance.
First up is her ascension materials for breaking level barriers. As an electro character, Yae Miko’s first level-up material is Vajrada Amethyst. The purple crystals are available from any electro boss fight. Each ascension past level 40 will require those and a certain amount of Dragonheir’s False Fins. The new Coral Defenders boss fight located in Enkanomiya will drop both materials, making it the ideal farming spot for those who plan to get Yae Miko. Finally, players will need Sea Ganodermas and Handguards. Both materials are abundant throughout Inazuma, especially on its many beaches and coastlines.
As for Yae Miko’s talents, all three abilities require Light materials. Light talent books are available from Violet Court on Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. Leveling up all three talents to the max will require 114 Philosophies of Light and three Crowns of Insight. Considering her likely role as a damage support, Yae Miko fans should get enough materials to get her skill and burst talents up to level eight.
The best artifacts and weapons for Yae MikoIt will take some time to figure out the best artifact set for Yae Miko, but Genshin Impact players already have their eyes on a solid mixed set. Emblem of Severed Fate has excellent two-piece bonuses for Yae Miko. The right mix will give her a solid 20% energy recharge and 15% extra electro damage. A few traits suit her well, but a four-piece collection will make for good artifacts for Yae Miko.
As for weapons, the answer mostly depends on if you plan to roll for her weapon banner. Yae Miko’s signature five-star weapon is Kagura’s Verity, a special catalyst only available through her limited-time banner. The weapon boosts elemental skills damage by 12% every time the skill is used. Since Yae Miko’s play style revolves around plopping down multiple flowers, Verity will easily be the best-in-slot upon her release.

Other budget weapons for Yae Miko include Solar Pearl and Sacrificial Fragments. Like all battle pass weapons, Solar Pearl has built-in crit rate and solid damage. Hitting a single enemy with an attack will buff the elemental skills, which makes it easy to use. Sacrificial Fragments has a chance to automatically reset the cooldown of elemental skills, so it can be used to send out multiple flowers at the same time.
Remember that any weapon you pick for Yae Miko will also require its own upgrade materials, so now is a good time to start cracking Fragile Resin. And don’t forget the weekly freebie from the Serenitea Pot.