Joshua 6:1#MartialLaw Because MPOX/Smallpox Billy Gates Warned You. #MasklessRefugee????♂️????♀️????♂️????♀️
CREATOR just woke me up. I recorded this a few days ago on other channel, because of #YoutubeCensorship due to #MedicalMisInformation & #MedicalDisInformation regarding Covid-19 Vaccination. #1. Billy Gates said Smallpox will be next outbreak.. #2. Illegal Infected Immigrants flown all across America. #3. FDA approves vaccine for MPOX. #4. #MartialLaw closes borders Joshua 6:1 #AmericaIsFallen ???? How hard it must be for sheeple to realize: 1. Everything they were taught from a child is a lie. 2. Their Country is #WarmongeringUSA. 3. America is Pagan Babylon America. 4. The Pledge of Allegiance is #MKUltra, #Brainwashing, #Conditioning, #MassFormationPsychosis 5. Honor. Pride. Loyalty. are dog whistles for their masters. 6. The American Dream is a carrot and stick with #Unaffordable #Unattainable & #Unsustainable 7. The Education System is another tool for enslavement. 8. Th