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Hundreds queue outside new NHS dentist for second day hoping to register

Hundreds queue outside new NHS dentist for second day hoping to register
The queue has re-formed outside the new dental practice in St Pauls, Bristol - with patients desperate to secure access to NHS dental care.

Hundreds of people have been queuing outside a new NHS dentist in Bristol for a second day. The queue formed again as patients were eager to secure access to NHS dental care.

The new dental practice opened on Monday but police had to step in when the crowd became too large. Many people returned on Tuesday hoping to register with the surgery in the St Pauls area.

The queue stretched along Ashley Court, outside what used to be Bupa Dental Care site, now called Saint Pauls Dental Practice. The Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB), who are in charge of dental care, announced last year that SGA Services Ltd would take over the practice.

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Back in June 2023, it was reported that a lack of NHS dentists in the west of Bristol left thousands of patients without treatment. Among those queuing to register was Penelope Cannell, who lives in St Pauls with her son and grandson.

She said: "We fully expecting a queue but not quite like this." She added: "We were all laughing and getting ready then saw the queue and couldn't believe it." Penelope also mentioned: "It just shows what is going on with the NHS and the lengths people have to go to." She concluded by saying: "Everyone has been rallying each other on. It has all gone very slowly but we got here in good time."

She explained that the police stopped the line yesterday and told everyone to return today. She said, "Everyone just wants to get the NHS dentist. It has taken years to get here."

"It has been a good natured queue apart from one person trying to queue jump. There was a big argument but that was dealt with pretty quickly."

"There has been a real community feel though, everyone has been supporting each other. We knew there was going to be a queue but we are just a bit shocked by the numbers."

"I've been trying to get my grandson registered. He is now six years old and has never been able to see an NHS dentist."

"It has been impossible. I really hope it is worth the wait."

Danielle Hulme, 58, from St Pauls, mentioned that two community police officers were managing the queue and those who weren't early enough yesterday were sent home.

Queues outside the NHS dentist in St Pauls, Bristol (Image: No credit)

She remarked, "It is crazy you have to go to lengths like this just to see an NHS dentist but that is the situation we are in, and I guess we are lucky we have this now."

Geoff Wane, 67, also from St Pauls, said, "We've waited years for an NHS dentist so were prepared to wait a few hours to finally get one."

"People have been beeping their horns and it has been a largely good atmosphere."

"The situation with dentists in Bristol is ridiculous. This is needed so much for a community like St Pauls. There has been no-where else for people to go."

Prett Gill, the Shadow Minister for Primary Care and Public Health, spoke about the long waits for dental care: "These queues lays bare the state of dentistry after 14 years of the Conservatives. 99% of dentists across the South West aren't accepting any new adult patients."

She also highlighted the impact on people's health: "The consequences for patients are dire. Last year, there were more than 1,000 dental emergencies in Bristol alone."

Gill outlined Labour's plan to tackle the issue: "Labour will provide 700,000 urgent appointments, recruit new dentists to the areas most in need, and introduce a targeted national toothbrushing scheme to 35 year-olds, paid for by abolishing the non-dom tax status."

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