Daily Intake Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Could Benefit Your Heart, Foods Rich In The Nutrient

Written by Arushi Bidhuri | Published : March 13, 2022 4:19 PM IST
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A study published in the journal Clinical Nutrition found that people who took omega-3 supplements every day were at a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. For the study, researchers analyzed the data of 19 studied, with a total of 97,709 participants. Omega-3 fatty acids have always been recommended by experts as a heart-healthy nutrient. One thing you should know is that supplements are not the only way to fulfil your daily intake of omega-3s. You can include foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
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Omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated fatty acids that can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation in the body can cause blood vessel damage, which can lead to heart disease and strokes. Although several types of seafood contain tiny levels of omega-3 fatty acids, fatty fish like salmon, sardine, canned, light tuna, etc. have the highest concentration and appear to be the most beneficial to heart health.
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Cod liver oil is a supplement rather than a food. Its oil is extracted from codfish livers, as the name suggests. Not only is this oil high in omega-3 fatty acids, but it's also high in vitamins D and A. As a result, one tablespoon of cod liver oil is more than enough to meet your nutritional needs for three essential nutrients. Take no more than one tablespoon at a time, as too much vitamin A can be dangerous.
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Flax seeds are little brown or yellow seeds with a nutty flavour. By far the richest whole-food source of the omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid, flaxseed oil is therefore frequently used as an omega-3 supplement. Flax seeds are also high in fibre, magnesium, and other vitamins and minerals. When compared to most oily plant seeds, they have a superb omega-6 to omega-3 ratio.
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Chia seeds are high in manganese, selenium, magnesium, and a few other minerals, making them extremely healthy. Chia seeds include 5 grammes of protein every 28-gram serving, including all eight necessary amino acids.
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Walnuts are a high-fibre, high-nutrient food. They also have a lot of copper, manganese, vitamin E, and other vital plant compounds in them. Make sure not to remove the skin, as it contains most of the walnut's phenol antioxidants, which are beneficial to one's health.
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Soybeans are a rich source of fibre and protein from vegetables. They are also high in riboflavin, folate, vitamin K, magnesium, and potassium, among other nutrients. Soybeans are also abundant in omega-6 fatty acids. Researchers believe that ingesting too much omega-6 could lead to inflammation, so you should eat it in moderation.