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Pig kidney successfully connected to human body in world first

Pig kidney successfully connected to human body in world first

Scientists have hailed a “huge breakthrough” for organ transplants after a pig’s kidney was successfully connected to a human body for the first time.

The scientific advance could one day lead to availability of a vast supply of organs for patients in critical need, experts hope.

The procedure, carried out at NYU Langone Health in New York, involved use of a pig whose genes had been altered so that its tissues no longer contained a molecule known to trigger almost immediate rejection.

The recipient was a brain-dead patient with signs of kidney dysfunction whose family consented to the experiment before she was due to be taken off of life support.

For three days, the new kidney was attached to her blood vessels and maintained outside her body, giving researchers access to it.

Dr Robert Montgomery prepares sutures for use in the xenotransplantation surgery at NYU Langone in New York
The kidney was attached to a woman's blood vessels for three days Credit: Joe Carrotta for NYU Langone Health/Handout via REUTERS 

Test results of the transplanted kidney's function "looked pretty normal," said surgeon Dr Robert Montgomery, who led the study.

“It was better than I think we even expected.

“It just looked like any transplant I’ve ever done from a living donor. A lot of kidneys from deceased people don’t work right away, and take days or weeks to start. This worked immediately.”

The kidney made "the amount of urine that you would expect" from a transplanted human kidney, he added, and there was no evidence of the vigorous, early rejection seen when unmodified pig kidneys are transplanted into non-human primates.

The recipient's abnormal creatinine level - an indicator of poor kidney function - returned to normal after the transplant, Dr Montgomery, a heart transplant recipient himself, added.

Genetically engineered pigs “could potentially be a sustainable, renewable source of organs — the solar and wind of organ availability,” Dr Montgomery said.

“This is a huge breakthrough. It’s a big, big deal,” said Dr Dorry Segev, professor of transplant surgery at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and was not involved in the project.

But, he told the New York Times: “We need to know more about the longevity of the organ.”

Surgeon Dr Robert Montgomery, who led the study,
Surgeon Dr Robert Montgomery, who led the study, said it could open the door for 'renewable organs' Credit: NYU Langone Health/Handout via REUTERS

In the United States, nearly 107,000 people are presently waiting for organ transplants, including more than 90,000 awaiting a kidney, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing. Wait times for a kidney average three-to-five years.

Researchers have been working for decades on the possibility of using animal organs for transplants, but have been stymied over how to prevent immediate rejection by the human body.

Dr Montgomery's team theorised that knocking out the pig gene for a carbohydrate that triggers rejection - a sugar molecule, or glycan, called alpha-gal - would prevent the problem.

The genetically altered pig, dubbed GalSafe, was developed by United Therapeutics Corp's Revivicor unit. It was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration in December 2020 for use as food for people with a meat allergy and as a potential source of human therapeutics.

Medical products developed from the pigs would still require specific FDA approval before being used in humans, the agency said.

The NYU kidney transplant experiment should pave the way for trials in patients with end-stage kidney failure, possibly in the next year or two, said Dr Montgomery.

Those trials might test the approach as a short-term solution for critically ill patients until a human kidney becomes available, or as a permanent graft.

Members of the xenotransplant surgical team at NYU Langone Health
Members of the xenotransplant surgical team at NYU Langone Health Credit: Joe Carrotta for NYU Langone Health/Handout via REUTERS

As the science advances, questions are likely to be raised about the ethics of altering the DNA of pigs for medical purposes. However, 100 million pigs are killed each year for food in the United States.

The current experiment involved a single transplant, and the kidney was left in place for only three days, so any future trials are likely to uncover new barriers that will need to be overcome, Dr Montgomery said. Participants would probably be patients with low odds of receiving a human kidney and a poor prognosis on dialysis.

"For a lot of those people, the mortality rate is as high as it is for some cancers, and we don't think twice about using new drugs and doing new trials (in cancer patients) when it might give them a couple of months more of life," Dr Montgomery said.

The researchers worked with medical ethicists, legal and religious experts to vet the concept before asking a family for temporary access to a brain-dead patient, he added.

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