ITV newsreader accidentally pronounces #Pope's passing on #Christmas Day
#pope #ITV newsreader accidentally pronounces Pope\'s passing on Christmas Day AN ITV newsreader accidentally detailed the Pope\'s passing while looking at the Magnificent Father\'s Christmas talk. The ITV News moderator cleared out watchers in daze after erroneously saying Pope Francis had kicked the bucket on Christmas Day. The newsreader was talking around the Sacrosanct Father\'s annually #Urby et #Orbin address when she clearly fell casualty to a Freudian slip and detailed the Pope\'s death Watchers were cleared out in shock in show disdain toward of the news have quickly apologising for the occurrence.His passing was pronounced...exculpate me.\" The bumble sparked a free for all on social media, with social media master #MattNavarra commenting: \"#ITVNews reasonable announced the passing of the pope on Christmas Day and the pope isn\'t dead.\" via@ITVnews