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OPINION: Energy transition: Need for an integrated approach

OPINION Energy transition Need for an integrated approach
It is time that our governance structure too reflects the changing times and is designed to drive country through a transition of the nature and magni..
OPINION: Energy transition: Need for an integrated approachNew Delhi: Finally, post-COP26 at Glasgow there are movements on the official front as follow up to India’s declarations there. Earlier, a joint committee of the ministry of power and ministry of new and renewableenergy was announced to draw a detailed action plan to take up India's renewable energy capacity to 500 GW by 2030. Last week it was turn of the oil ministry setting up the Energy Transition Advisory Committee to draw up an energy transition roadmap for the oil and gas sector as a preparatory exercise to move to net-zero emissions goal by 2070. The point that to call a committee formed to look only in to oil and gas sector an `Energy transition’ committee is a misnomer; from the look of things, it seems that India continues with its fragmented approach: various ministries working on different pieces of the big puzzle that decarbonization is.

While it is not surprising, it certainly is disappointing since this historic and transformative opportunity could have been (and could still be) used to transit to an integrated command structure for country’s energy sector. Moreover, the kind of energy transition required to reach net-zero emissions – notwithstanding the timeframe – does necessarily require a holistic and unified approach. If the past experiences are anything to go by, rather than thinking cohesively, different government departments tend to have narrow vision and be more of protective of their turfs. Moreover, politically their attention remains on how to satisfy their respective constituencies and interest groups. Stakeholders’ consultation, on the other hand, remains more of a proforma exercise. It was not in too distant a past when a turf war among the ministries of heavy industries, surface transport and Bureau of Energy Efficiency effectively put a brake on introduction of fuel efficiency norms for cars.

The nature of the task at hand, to decarbonize different sectors of the economy so that the country achieve net-zero emissions in a timely fashion, is such that working in silos may prove to be counterproductive. Take a very simplistic example: while production of green hydrogen may administratively fall under ministry of petroleum and natural gas, the fact remains that it requires renewable energy for clean electrolysis, which as per present scheme of things comes under the jurisdiction of ministry of new and renewable energy. Or for that matter, clean charging of EVs so that they take care of not only tail-end emissions but help reduce emissions as whole. Each element of decarbonization is so intertwined with others; it is better not to have multiple agencies with their own sets of rules and regulations, their bureaucratic processes, and egos collectively working at cross purpose. While a need to have an integrated energy ministry in India has been highlighted from time to time, as late as in 2018 a proposal to set up one single energy ministry was mooted by NITI Aayog to ensure better coordination among different energy sectors like petroleum, power, renewable and coal.

Studies in several European countries have pointed out that low-carbon development entails managing multiple goals and challenges cutting across traditionally rigid administrative boundaries to reach workable, multi-dimensional solutions. The existing administrative structures and procedures on the other hand tend to encourage a partial vision of problems to start with. And in any case a single energy ministry is not a unique proposition. UK as well as the USA already have similar arrangements. Globally, trend is to bring the whole spectrum of energy together with climate change/climate action. In fact, to bring about greater integration, while UK has Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy, recently Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy has been rechristened as Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action – a super ministry of economy and climate protection, responsible for renewable energy, power sector, energy networks, and the federal climate action law. Contrast that with India where there are five energy ministries/department viz. coal, petroleum and natural gas, power, renewables, and atomic energy besides another one for environment and climate change. The list will be endless if ministries devoted to energy-consuming sectors are also included. The convenient practice of passing-the-buck or blame-apportionment – antithesis to the desired transformation - may flourish well in such a compartmentalized structure.It is time that our governance structure too reflects the changing times and is designed to drive country through a transition of the nature and magnitude unheard of in the past. Innovations and creativity required to make this transition happen can only be unleashed by first transforming the governance structure and the underlying thought process itself. And real integration of all the energy-related ministries and departments is the prerequisite for country’s successful energy transition. Economy’s decarbonization efforts demand an integrated, holistic approach rather than a piece-meal one we are accustomed of. Perhaps such a transformation may require more political capital than that for technological transformation alone but then it will prepare a solid foundation for a transformative India.

[This piece was authored by Amit Kumar, Former Senior Director, Social Transformation & Knowledge Management, The Energy & Resources Institute (TERI)]

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