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Boyzone's Ronan Keating and wife Storm welcome baby girl and share unusual name

Thanks for watching my video. If you like my videos, please subscribe to the channel to receive the latest videos Videos can use content-based copyright law contains reasonable use Fair Use ( For any copyright, please send me a message.  Ronan Keating has announced the arrival of his and Storm\'s second baby together, as well as revealing the newborn\'s adorable name.  The proud pair also couldn\'t wait to share the first picture of their baby girl as they took to Instagram to show her off to their fans.  The former Boyzone star took to his official Instagram account to share the news with his 349,000 followers.  In the black and white snap, Storm can be seeing holding their newborn as she lays in a hospital bed.  The singer revealed that the pair have called her Coco Knox Keating and she \"calmly\" arrived Friday.  Ronan captioned the sweet pic: \"Hello world.  \"Spreading some good cheer at th

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