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Saharan dust cloud turned skies orange over Kent

Saharan dust cloud turned skies orange over Kent
Saharan dust which turned the skies of Europe orange and pink made its way across Kent.

Saharan dust which turned the skies above Portugal, Germany and Spain a rusty orange colour has arrived in Kent.

The Met Office warned that the dust was being carried north across France according to satellite images and that some deposits may fall to the ground in southern parts of the country.

People reported the dust all across the county - from Medway down to Dover.

A picture was tweeted of Samphire Hoe where specks of dust had appeared. The account said: "Saharan dust falling at Samphire Hoe, it explains the weird sunlight this morning it was filtered through desert dust."

While people in Medway described finding 'dusty rain' on their cars while others described their gardens looking like "an old sepia movie".

People in Folkestone and Margate also reported the sky looking orange today.

Saharan dust is relatively common in the UK, often arriving several times a year when big dust and sand storms in the Sahara coincide with particular wind patterns which carry the particles thousands of miles across countries.

In certain weather situations, say forecasters, Saharan dust can also affect air pollution and air quality levels should it come down in large enough quantities.

The sand is carried as a result of a sandstorm in the Sahara DesertThe sand is carried as a result of a sandstorm in the Sahara Desert
The sand is carried as a result of a sandstorm in the Sahara Desert

But in order for the dust to get to the ground, you need something to wash it from the sky - rain - and so forecasters say it is most likely to be noticed in places in southern England where there is the potential for rainfall particularly today (Wednesday).

Counties including Kent, Suffolk, Sussex, Hertfordshire and Essex are among the places that might have noticed a change in the sky colour or a residue of the dust covering outdoor surfaces.

Alongside an usual orange or pink glow to the skies above people may have noticed the dust from the sandstorm, particularly on their cars and windows as rusty red particles are most likely to show up on shiny surfaces.

In 2017 Saharan dust was blown across Medway thanks to a hurricaneIn 2017 Saharan dust was blown across Medway thanks to a hurricane
In 2017 Saharan dust was blown across Medway thanks to a hurricane

The Met Office explained: "While this dust is mostly about 2km above ground level some deposits of dust may fall to the ground especially during any rain in southern parts of the UK over the next 24 hours."

While the sandstorm in Europe has been intense - with residents in Madrid, Spain asked by officials to stay inside on Tuesday morning - the situation there has been made worse by strong winds that are not expected to cause the same problems in southern England.

Higher temperatures on the continent have also played their part in the Saharan dust reducing visibility in some European towns and cities. The air quality has been affected too, which has prompted some residents to wear face masks in the past few days to deal with the gritty feeling in the atmosphere.

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