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Senate Occasional Lecture - Dr Sarah Moulds (2021)

Dr Sarah Moulds is a senior lecturer in Law University of South Australia Law School at University of South Australia and co-founder of the Rights Resource Network SA. This lecture was given on 30 April 2021. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ DISCLAIMER: This channel is NOT the official YouTube channel of the Australian Parliament. We are fans of English-speaking legislatures who love watching legislative proceedings and procedure! This channel IS NOT affiliated with the Australian Parliament. This video is not commercial or political party sponsorship and is not advertisement. Certain videos on this channel—mainly ones including famous moments—may show advertisements. This is because that video has been copyright claimed. This channel is not monetised in any way; any money from said ads will go to the copyright claimant and not us. OUR TWITTER: REAL AU

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