Sen. Ossoff Delivering Resources to Expand Children's Vision Care ...
Atlanta, Ga. — U.S. Senator Jon Ossoff is expanding vision care for kids across Georgia.
Today, Sen. Ossoff announced he is delivering Federal funding to Vision To Learn, a nonprofit charity that provides vision screenings, eye exams and glasses to children in underserved communities across Georgia and nationwide, all at no cost to the child or their family.
With the funding, Vision To Learn plans to purchase and equip a mobile vision clinic that will expand access to eye exams and glasses to children across Georgia.
Sen. Ossoff brought Republicans and Democrats together to deliver $400,000 for the project through this year’s bipartisan government funding package.
“Every child deserves the vision care they need to see, to read, and to enjoy life,” Sen. Ossoff said. “That’s why I’ve appropriated funds to expand mobile vision clinics for Georgia children. I thank Vision To Learn Founder Chair Austin Beutner for bringing this proposal to my office and for his leadership.”
“More than 3 million children across the country go to school every day without the glasses they need,” said Vision To Learn Founder Austin Beutner. “Every child in every school, everywhere in the country, should have the glasses they need to succeed in school and in life. Senator Ossoff’s leadership is helping to ensure children in Georgia get the help they need.”
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