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Opinion: Money and sex are two good reasons to quit smoking

Opinion Money and sex are two good reasons to quit smoking
And then, of course, there is cancer and heart disease ...
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In the days of COVID-19, many studies have shown an association between smoking and disease severity (critical illness, ICU admission, or mechanical ventilation and adverse disease progression). Smoking is an established risk factor for respiratory infections. It has a significant impact on the immune system, activates inflammation and is the main cause of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) and its flareups.

In children, second-hand smoke can cause middle ear infections, asthma and bronchitis. Smoking during pregnancy can cause birth defects, low birth weight and sudden infant death syndrome.

Smoking has significant impact on quality of life. And that’s just medical jargon for good times spent with family and friends, creating good memories, taking care of ourselves, breathing that fresh morning air and taking a walk without pain and discomfort.

If you need help quitting smoking in Quebec, call: 1-866-527-7383.

Ya Ning Gao is a Montreal physician. She is a general practitioner with a special interest in women’s health and addiction medicine.

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