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E-Cigarettes : Welcome Back, Big Tobacco - the fifth estate

Big Tobacco is trying clean up its image, moving into the booming e-cigarette business which continuing to peddle the deadly tobacco products. This has left public health officials in Canada, the U.K. and the US Five million Canadians still smoke. Could e-cigarettes help wean them over to a safer nicotine delivery device? Many ex-smokers say \'yes.\' E-cigarettes are their salvation. Health Canada is on the cusp of deciding how e-cigarettes should be regulated. Mark Kelly heads to England -- a country that has taken bold steps in embracing the e-cigarette as a safer alternative. Will Canada? And what will this mean for our e-cigarette industry? Until now, e-cigarettes with nicotine have not been endorsed by Health Canada. And that\'s kept Big Tobacco out of the Canadian market. Will new regulations open the doors for a tarred industry to join in the e-cigarette revolution? --- Subscribe for more videos from the fifth estate :

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