Autumnal Equinox - First day of Fall 2016 - Google Doodle
Google celebrates Autumnal Equinox with a really nice doodle -the First Day of Fall 2016 (Northern Hemisphere). It’s the day when day and night are equally long. See the full story incl. \"First Day of Fall 2015\" and \"First Day of Fall 2014\". But only in the northern hemisphere fall begins. In the southern hemisphere it’s “First Day of Spring”. More about First Day of Fall in german: \"Herbstanfang - Herbst-Tagundnachtgleiche\" : ( Music: “Ghost Dance” by Kevin MacLeod Is today the first day of fall? Today for most marks the first official day of fall. Wednesday, Sept. 23, is the autumnal equinox, which signals the end of summer and the beginning of the transition to winter in the Northern Hemisphere. (Meteorological fall began Sept. 1.) The exact moment of the equinox is at 3:21 a.m. CDT Wednesday. What is equinox phenomenon? Nati