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Potential new coral safe sunscreen may have anti-aging properties: Study

It is time to look forward to a sustainable approach to sun protection with a sunscreen that researchers at Mblue Labs and the University of Maryland found.
Potential new coral safe sunscreen may have anti-aging properties: Study

Potential new coral safe sunscreen may have anti-aging properties: Study | Photo Credit: Pixabay&nbsp

Key Highlights
  • Unprotected exposure of the skin to sunlight may cause damage to the cells
  • Sunscreen is a recommended part of any skincare routine regardless of the season or weather
  • A sustainable approach to lifestyle can benefit the health, as well as the environment

Sunscreen is an important part of any elaborate skincare regime. It is often recommended to be used regardless of the presence of sunlight. The purpose of sunscreen is to protect the skin from the sun’s UV rays that may cause damage to the skin and put it at risk of several skin disorders. Despite the skin benefits offered by sunscreens, they are not the most sustainable products. The presence of a component called Oxybenzone makes it hazardous for coral reefs. A sustainable approach to lifestyle is essential to ensure the safety of the environment, in this case, the aquatic ecosystems. 

Methylene blue - A new part of skincare?

According to the study is published in the journal Nature called “Ultraviolet radiation protection potentials of Methylene Blue for human skin and coral reef health”, methylene blue can promote UVA and UVB protection in a sustainable, coral-safe way. 

Dr Kan Cao, Founder of Mblue Labs, Bluelene Skincare and a Professor at the University of Maryland Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics said, "Our work suggests that Methylene Blue is an effective UVB blocker with a number of highly desired characteristics as a promising ingredient to be included in sunscreens. It shows a broad spectrum absorption of both UVA and UVB rays, promotes DNA damage repair, combats reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by UVA, and most importantly, poses no harm to coral reefs,"

We found that the combination of Methylene Blue and Vitamin C could deliver amazing anti-ageing effects, particularly in skin cells from older donors, suggesting a strong synergistic reaction between these two beneficial antioxidants,", he added.

Anti-ageing tips

Here are some methods that can have anti-ageing effects on your skin:

  1. Stay hydrated: The human body needs water to stay healthy and fresh. Dehydration can lead to chapped, dry, and wrinkled skin. This makes hydration one of the most important steps towards younger skin.
  2. Eat well: Consume a balanced diet that is rich in vitamin A, C, omega-3, and antioxidants as it can boost skin health by promoting cellular health. Include foods such as salmon, tomatoes, nuts, and lean meats.
  3. Be consistent: Having a consistent skincare routine can have miraculous effects on the skin. Follow a skincare routine that containing products such as moisturizers, toners, exfoliators, and retinol for healthier and younger-looking skin.


Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

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