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Summer to Monsoon: Traditional skin care guide

Summer to Monsoon Traditional skin care guide
Monsoon season is officially here

Monsoon season is officially here. Everybody waits for the drizzling drops to enjoy the aroma of wet soil, green trees, blossom flowers, cool breeze, and hot food. The first showers are here and the humidity in the environment can cause several skin issues due to the high moisture content in our environment. The sweat on your skin can catch pollutants and clog the pores with impurities, causing skin infection, allergy, fungus, acne, and blemishes. etc. Well, you need to understand that it is important to change your skincare regime, according to the changing seasons.

Because the weather is cloudy outside, you might think of skipping sunscreen. During the monsoon, even when it's cloudy outside, the sun's rays can wreak havoc on the health of your skin. We should try to avoid sun exposure as much as possible, especially from noon till about 3 pm

Wear your sunblock three times a day at a gap of every 3-4 hours. It should be SPF 30 with a triple plus rating and it should provide protection for both UVA and UVB. It should preferably be in the gel form water-resistant and one should always apply SPF 20 minutes before going out in the sun. If the skin is more sensitive, use sunscreen with a high SPF of 40 and above. The effects of sun exposure increase if you are near water or snow, as these are reflective surfaces. For oily skin, use a sunscreen gel. The most important step to keep your skin healthy during this season is by keeping yourself hydrated. Drink 8 glasses of water daily. Add the juice of a lemon to a glass of warm water and have it first thing in the morning.

This will also ensure that your skin stays free of toxins, which can lead to acne and pimples. Nimbu paani, egg whites, milk, salad, and curd or lassi must be included in your diet. Avoid too much of tea, coffee, and beverage drinks. Consumption of coconut water is also important, as it is rich in potassium and can do wonders for the skin. You must add juicy and antioxidant-rich fruits, seasonal vegetables to your diet, and avoid too much oily, greasy and spicy food in your daily diet during the monsoon season

Cleanliness and hygiene also extend to your clothes. Sweat clings to clothes and leads to a stale and bad odor. Change your clothes daily, especially your underclothes. In hot humid season, "Take bath twice a day besides two changes of clothing are necessary. Wear loose linen and cotton clothes during monsoon, so that the cool, porous material helps the perspiration to escape and evaporate which will prevent fungal and bacterial infections. Good skin toner is a must in hot weather, to cool and refresh the skin. Rosewater is ideal, as it is a natural coolant. Rosewater refreshes the skin and imparts a clean and fresh feeling. You can keep a small bowl of rose skin tonic, or rose water, in the refrigerator. This way, it is chilled and ready for use. Wipe the skin several times a day with it. It can be most refreshing. If you are out during the day, carry wet tissues, which are easily available. Wipe the face with them to feel cool and refreshed.

Exfoliate your skin daily with any gentle scrub to get rid of dead skin cells. It will maintain your evergreen beauty. You can use mildly abrasive kitchen ingredients like coffee, papaya, yogurt, tea bag, baking soda, etc. to do the same and stimulate the growth of new skin cells. Apply a skin tonic after cleansing, using cotton wool. They restore the normal balances, stimulate blood circulation and add a glow. Night-time cleansing is a must, to remove sweat and oil deposits, make-up, pollutants, and impurities that have been deposited on the skin during the day.

Apply a facial scrub twice a week. It removes dead cells and brightens the skin. It also helps to discourage and dislodge blackheads. Apply on the face and rub gently on the skin with small circular movements. Leave on for 5 minutes and wash off with water. This can be done after cleansing in the morning. Stubborn blackheads can be removed at a skin-care clinic, by a trained therapist. Avoid touching the face, without washing your hands, and never pick or pinch blackheads and pimples. If the skin is oily, avoid the use of oily creams and moisturizers.

Carry wet tissues in your handbag during the day, to wipe and refresh the skin. Then powder compact may be applied. Apple cider vinegar helps fungal infection. Mix the vinegar with water in equal quantities and apply to the affected area of the skin with cotton wool pads. Leave on for half an hour and then dry the area by patting with a clean towel. Tea Tree Oil can also be applied. Mix it with aloevera gel or olive oil in equal quantities and apply to the affected area. Do not use imitation jewelry during monsoon especially if you have sensitive skin. The humidity in the air will increase the risk of a breakout.

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