Taylor Wimpey Share Price Forecast and Stock Analysis
In this Taylor Wimpey Share Price Forecast video, we take a look at the current price of Taylor Wimpey Shares, the current momentum and trend, how the shares stack up against their price to book value and the prospective dividend yield and cover. We also look at the latest stock analysists share price projections and broker suggestions on buying or sellingTaylor Wimpey. Why not try out the Stockopedia data platform I use for these videos for FREE ? Click here for more info: http://try.stk.pe/mQgvlqx If you want to follow my positive trend momentum portfolio for FREE on eToro, or trade stocks and shares commission free and tax free, then sign up here: https://med.etoro.com/B11737_A107133_TClick.aspx Visit our website here https://www.money-mentor.org/ Money Mentor Blog: https://www.money-mentor.org/blog Read our Personal Finance book Master the Art of Money on Amazon here for FREE https://amzn.to/3j1tomU