This is how we do it: 'We schedule sex: every three days – to ... Melissa and Don have a strict rota of times, tunes and positions – and after 40 years together, it still works for them both."
When it comes to maintaining a healthy and satisfying relationship, Melissa and Don have found their secret formula – scheduling sex every three days. Despite being together for 40 years, they have managed to keep the spark alive by adhering to a strict routine of intimate moments. By following a specific schedule, they ensure that they make time for each other and prioritize their physical connection.
While some may argue that scheduling sex takes away the spontaneity and excitement, Melissa and Don believe that it has only enhanced their relationship. By planning their intimate encounters, they eliminate any potential feelings of neglect or lack of desire. This approach allows them to be fully present and engaged in their moments together, knowing that they have set aside dedicated time for each other.