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Total War: Warhammer 3 - Thrones of Decay And Patch 5.0 Out Now

Total War Warhammer 3  Thrones of Decay And Patch 50 Out Now
Thrones of Decay and Patch 5.0 arrive for Total War: Warhammer 3 today! Get ready for more Nurgle, and all his gifts!

Thrones of Decay and Patch 5.0 arrive for Total War: Warhammer 3 today! Get ready for more Nurgle and all his gifts!

Big news for all you Old World fans out there. Total War: Warhammer 3 got a major patch and new DLC today in the form of Thrones of Decay. But even if you haven’t bought the new DLC, there’s something exciting for you anyway. Along with Thrones of Decay comes Patch 5.0, which includes FREELC, a new Legendary Lord, Legendary Hero, and campaign mechanic.

Of course, it isn’t just the new stuff, either. A number of gameplay reworks, unit overhauls, and other tweaks have been made. This one is fairly substantial, but it seems to bring in some major quality-of-life improvements, including an update that shows how much barrier a Tzeentch unit has left. Check it out.

Thrones of Decay Out Now!

“The Thrones of Decay pack introduces 3 new Legendary Lords, for Nurgle, the Empire, and the Dwarfs, usable in both the Realm of Chaos and Immortal Empires campaigns.

Embrace conflict, ingenuity, and decay with a new suite of Legendary Lords, Heroes, Units, and Mechanics to enhance your campaign roster on and off the battlefield. Tamurkhan the Maggot Lord, Elspeth von Draken, and Malakai Makaisson arrive in Total War: WARHAMMER III. They bring unique campaign mechanics to their respective races, with a brand-new objective in Realm of Chaos independent from the Ursun storyline, plus new Units and Legendary Heroes to help them achieve total victory and secure the Nemesis Crown.”

There are three new Legendary Lords in this patch. Tamurkhan, Elspeth von Draken, and Malakai Makaisson. Alongside these, Nurgle, Empire, and Dwarves (specifically Slayers) get a bit of a rework. The patch notes for this one are extensive, so we won’t be going through all of them. But here are a few highlights from Total War developer Creative Assembly:

The way that Nurgle generates points for army abilities has been changed, as we felt it was a bit un-engaging and out of the Nurgle player’s control in some cases. Nurgle units no longer have to take damage to gain points to use on army abilities, instead army ability points are now gained based on how many hexes are affecting enemy units. A hex is a negative debuff or contact effect like Poison.

This is a huge change for Nurgle players, who will now want to spread as much disease as possible throughout the battlefield.

Slayers are now immune to reductions in Weapon Strength. And units like the Steam Tank with “Directional Shield” will want to keep their heaviest armor facing incoming fire.

All this, plus the new Epidemius, Tallyman of Nurgle, as well as the Gold Wizard Legendary hero, is available for free.

Don't Miss:

Bell of Lost Souls Staff Writer and DM, J.R. covers RPGs of all stripes and on occasion eats sandwiches. You can ask him about either at [email protected]
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