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What is the Urban Dictionary 'name trend' and why are the masses searching it?

What is the Urban Dictionary name trend and why are the masses searching it
The bizarro name game is currently going viral as users flock to Twitter to share the results.

They’re letting the dictionary define them as a person.

Urban Dictionary is often viewed as a sophomoric source for dirty words, but now bored social media users have tapped into the crowd-sourced glossary for something novel — to find alternative definitions for their names not found in the Oxford English Dictionary. The bizarro name game is currently going viral as users flock to Twitter to share the results.

The online journey of self-discovery is simple: Just type in one’s name and generate a plethora of hilarious moniker meanings. For instance, “Ben” — a Hebrew word meaning “son of the right hand” — is defined by Urban Dictionary as “a cute, tall dark and handsome boy” whom you can “take home to your mamma.” Or, per the top-rated entry with 1,415 upvotes, a “duck overlord” who “can perform mind control on ducks of all kinds.”

By a similar token, a Twitter user named Johanna was overjoyed to find that her name was synonymous with “one of the most Angelic people you can ever meet,” among other flattering definitions.

Ben, as defined by the top entry in Urban Dictionary.
Ben, as defined by the top entry in Urban Dictionary.

Meanwhile, one of the top-rated Urban Dictionary definitions for Brandi was the “illest and dopest chick you’ll ever meet,” per another tweet.

“She loves hard & drama free,” the submission read. “She’s very sensual and affectionate. Non materialistic and she picks her friends like she picks her fruit. She is hard to anger, but once angered, beware.”

UD enthusiasts shared the results to Twitter.
UD enthusiasts shared the results to Twitter.

And the viral vocab compendium doesn’t discriminate against more diverse names. Per another tweet, which a satisfied user captioned “Urban Dictionary speaks nothing but facts,” the Korean name Junho means “a sexy Korean with a big a–.”

Of course, many Twitter users weren’t super impressed with the etymological pursuit, which they found a tad self-congratulatory in nature.

“No offence but absolutely nobody is reading ur urban dictionary names,” scoffed one critic on Twitter.

Another jokester posted a screenshot for an Urban Dictionary entry for Elijah, which was defined as someone who “doesn’t give af what your names mean on Urban Dictionary.”

Urban Dictionary didn't discriminate against foreign-sounding names.
Urban Dictionary didn’t discriminate against foreign-sounding names.

Of course, not every term has such a complimentary connotation on the street slang site. For instance, just like on Twitter and elsewhere, the majority of UD entries define “Karen” as an entitled white woman — “typically blonde” — complaining to authority figures over the slightest inconvenience that doesn’t “even remotely” affect her.

Not all the definitions were so flattering.
Not all the definitions were so flattering.
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