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Warframe: Faceoff Mode Complete Guide

Warframe Faceoff Mode Complete Guide
Here's how to play Faceoff in Warframe!

Warframe:1999 is here, and with it, you'll be able to explore a different time during the last day of 1999, as you meet with the Hex, a group of protoframe warriors that tries to find the elusive Albrecht Entrati, so he can heal their Technocyte-infested bodies. However, not everything is grim and dark in this update, and you can still have some fun with your fellow Tenno.

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The newly introduced Faceoff game mode involves a PvPvE mission in which two separate teams must fulfill objectives while Aoi and Amir tease each other. Remember, Tenno; this is just a harmless game on the streets of Höllvania —or as innocuous as it can be.

How To Unlock The Faceoff Mode

Aoi and Amir presenting the two tenno teams that will play a Faceoff match in Warframe.

After finishing The Hex main story quest, you will unlock the full map of Höllvania, showing all the different missions you can tackle. The first Faceoff mission you will be able to play is the Lower Vervod mission, which involves a single team and it's intended to be a sort of tutorial so you can get familiar with how this game mode works.

Once you finish a mission on that node, you will notice the next one will unlock, Vervod District, which is the real Faceoff mission, represented by an icon showing half of Aoi and Amir's faces.

How To Play And Objectives

Eleanor running in the middle of a Faceoff match in Warframe.

In this mode, two separate synchronized squads of four Tenno each will go out to Höllvania, and they will have to succeed on three randomized objectives. As you play through this mission, you will find Boosts for your team, or Debuffs that can annoy the other team and prevent them from getting ahead.

If a player or a whole team disconnects, AI players will replace them, but the match will continue until a team wins.

The first team that fulfills the three objectives wins, and both squads will receive the same objectives, which go as follows:




Destroy all the enemies in your path. Fill the gauge to 100% before the opposing team.

Data Burn

Finding a Scaldra data server, Tenno will deliver Gas Cans to the generator powering this burn critical information onto a CD for the Hex’s benefit.

Techrot Scan

Keep your Techrot Scanner alive against all odds. Jammers will spawn around the map, which players can destroy to reduce the defense timer. If your scanner falls, the timer stops and the scanner will have to revive itself.

Pirate Radio

Keep the voices of the Pirate Radio on air as it floats on a balloon. Like the Techrot Scan objective, destroy jammers to speed up the Radio. If the Pirate Radio falls, the timer stops and the balloon will have to revive itself.


Squads must deliver five keys, randomly spawned on the map, towards a delivery point to conquer this objective. If a key isn’t delivered within 15 seconds, the key explodes, leaving the Squad to find another.


Squads will follow a Waypoint toward a set of high-value Techrot foes, which must be brought down to accomplish this objective. Objectives

Once the match ends, you can receive Hollars, Höllvania-based materials, an Arcane, a Blueprint, and Conclave Standing. Both teams get prizes, but the winner gets a higher amount.

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