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Warframe's motorbiking, pal romancing 1999 expansion finally has a release date

Warframes motorbiking pal romancing 1999 expansion finally has a release 
It feels like forever since we first laid eyes on Warfarme's 1999 expansion (it was, in fact, a little over a year ago …

It feels like forever since we first laid eyes on Warfarme's 1999 expansion (it was, in fact, a little over a year ago during TennoCon 2023), but the free-to-play sci-fi shooter's time-travelling 1999 story expansion finally has a release date: it launches for all platforms on 13th December - which is to say, later today.

1999, if you're unfamiliar, catapults players away from Warframe's usual far-flung sci-fi future to an eerily familiar Earth-like world of grungy subways stations and retro tech. And, yes, it really is set in 1999 (New Year's Eve to be exact) - but not the Earth we know, despite its familiar sights.

And honestly, pretty much everything about 1999 looks wild, from its new hub area - an abandoned 90s shopping mall full of artificial palm trees, arcade machines, and blaring infomercials - to its meaty new motorbike traversal across its urban open-world sprawl.

Warframe: 1999 gameplay trailer. Watch on YouTube

Then there's its new Syndicate, known as the Hex, consisting of six iconic Warframes in their original proto-forms - including grizzled squad leader Arthur Nightingale, batch designation: Excalibur. And if that's still not enough to convince you to get stuck in, how about the fact 1999 introduces a romance system so you can potential get a New Year's smooch if you play your cards right? Or that, yes, you get to kill a 90s boyband in space - although that particular bit of weirdness has apparently now been delayed until next year.

So yes, all this - and more! - will finally be available to Warframe players on Xbox, PlayStation, Switch, and PC starting today, 13th December.

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