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How Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth Fixed an Overlooked Combat Mechanic

How Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth Fixed an Overlooked Combat Mechanic
Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth took one of the last game's least-used combat mechanics and gave it the revival it desperately needed.


  • Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth revamps its combat system, with environmental weapons becoming a strategic asset in battles.
  • The game expands on the use of environmental weapons, allowing any party member to utilize them and adding special properties to certain weapons.
  • The rework of weapon attacks adds a new dimension to combat strategy and makes fights with Ichiban and company more enjoyable.

Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth managed to take the most overlooked aspect of the previous game's combat system - environmental weapons - and turn them into an important strategic asset. There are a lot of ways that Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth improved on its predecessor overall, with the combat system getting the most prominent overhaul. While many of the game's improvements are essentially just polishing up old features, one particular mechanic got what might be the greatest glow-up of all. Infinite Wealth stepped up its game when it came to presentation, and that includes adding a new dimension to its fights.

Originally, it was a surprise when Yakuza: Like a Dragon became a turn-based RPG after the first seven installments had all been beat-'em-up adventures. However, the transition ended up working out well. In addition to the system working well in its first appearance, the game did an equally good job of establishing Ichiban Kasuga as the face of the series' new era. Infinite Wealth even took the liberty of bringing back original protagonist Kazuma Kiryu as a playable character and one of Ichiban's most important allies. A successful leap in genres like that is impressive, and Like a Dragon has reaped the benefits of that success.

Infinite Wealth Turned Environmental Weapons Into a Serious Strategic Option

Nanba attacking a yakuza with a table in Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Environmental Weapons Are an Interesting Mechanic of Infinite Wealth's Battles

The existence of environmental weapons may surprise players who go back to Yakuza: Like a Dragon, because while they appear in both games, they are much more prominent in Infinite Wealth. The idea behind environmental weapon attacks is simple. If a party member attacks while a weapon is nearby, then they will pick it up and use it in lieu of their typical basic attack. These weapons will usually deal extra damage, and can occasionally leave the enemy stunned, opening up an advantage for the player. Weapon attacks were a cool idea, but one that could be easily forgotten in Yakuza: Like a Dragon.

Yazkua: Like a Dragon Placed Too Many Restrictions on Environmental Attacks

In Yakuza: Like a Dragon, environmental weapons were only usable by the Ichiban-exclusive Freelancer job. Unfortunately, among Yakuza: Like a Dragon's jobs, Freelancer was not particularly useful since Ichiban had another exclusive job, Hero, that could hit harder and had more utility, outshining Freelancer in basically every way. Since only Ichiban could be a Freelancer, that meant that nobody else in the party had access to these weapon attacks at all. Unless the player was grinding Freelancer to unlock the Reverse German Suplex, it's likely that once Hero was unlocked early in the game, players would never use Freelancer or improvised weapon attacks again.

Infinite Wealth Reworked Weapon Attacks in the Best Way

Infinite Wealth removed all of these restrictions in regard to weapon attacks. Now any party member, regardless of which of Infinite Wealth's job classes they're using, can use any weapon in the environment. Not only that, but the weapons will occasionally have special properties, like explosive barrels dealing fire damage, or liquor bottles dealing ice damage. Players can even use one of Kiryu's old tricks by swinging bicycles at enemies during street fights. Because Infinite Wealth expanded the use of environmental weapons, players have the luxury of using the battlefield to their advantage in almost any scenario, adding a new dimension to combat strategy.

An excellent example of environmental weapons comes in Chapter 4, where some explosive barrels can deal heavy damage to burly Barracudas with a vulnerability to fire without expending MP.

Environmental weapon attacks felt like an afterthought in Yakuza: Like a Dragon, but Infinite Wealth reversed that completely. Almost any player playing through Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth will become deeply familiar with this mechanic. These weapons are excellent offensive options in addition to being just plain fun to use, especially when used to batter bosses with furniture. Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth's revival of this mechanic makes fights with Ichiban and company better than before.

Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth
Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth

Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio’s Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth builds on its predecessor's ideas, delivering turn-based combat and a gripping and lengthy narrative led by Ichiban Kasuga. However, the story also brings back Kazuma as a protagonist and introduces a new location in Hawaii, which is a significant departure from the franchise's previous games.

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