Beeston: Nottinghamshire town prepares to light up for Burns Night
A Nottinghamshire town will be brightening up the streets tonight (Saturday, January 25) with its third free annual Light Night. The countdown has begun in Beeston with events and installations from High Road to the Square, and extending to the Rylands.
The town will be illuminated from 6pm through to 9pm at various locations, celebrating all things Poetry and Fire as it is Burns Night - the 265th anniversary of the Scottish author Robbie Burns' birth in 1759.
Events during the evening will include fire performances, entertainment from Nottingham Samba Collective, silk fan Dancers, iIluminated cubes, a silent disco and torch light parade.
The event will start with an address to an illuminated stunt haggis in Beeston Square at 6pm. At 7pm, Dr Rhyme will be reading some of his bespoke poetry in front of the Arc Cinema. Refreshments will be available throughout h town at various locations.
The inaugural event in 2022, which attracted thousands of people, was equally popular when the second event took place on November 4, 2023.
The latest Light Night event has been supported by Broxtowe Borough Council ’s shared prosperity funding and is also being supported thanks to volunteers from Beeston Street Art and Beeston Civic Society.