80% of Americans Test Positive for a Cheerios Ingredient That's Linked to Infertility - RELEVANT
You might need to switch up your breakfast plans.
Four out of five Americans are being exposed to a harmful chemical found in popular oat-based foods (like Cheerios or Quaker Oats) that is linked to infertility, altered fetal growth and delayed puberty.
The Environmental Working Group’s study in the Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology found 80% of Americans tested positive for traces of chlormequat.
Despite the negative side effects in our food, however, the “highly toxic agricultural chemical” is federally allowed because it makes it easier to harvest oats and other grains, per the EWG.
“Just as troubling, we detected the chemical in 92% of oat-based foods purchased in May 2023, including Quaker Oats and Cheerios,” EWG reported.
You may be wondering, how has anyone gotten pregnant with numbers that high? Well, the truth is, they haven’t. Since 2007, the U.S birth rate has been steadily decreasing, dropping almost 23% between 2007 and 2022. The average American will have about 1.6 children in their lifetime, down from 3 in 1950. The decline is due to myriad factors — the rising cost of living, women waiting to have children until they’re older, and, evidently, our diets.
And while there are even more factors that play a role into actually getting pregnant, a good first step could be clearing out your pantry.