Popular Cereal Sold In Louisiana, Texas Linked To Cancer
Take action now if you have this popular cereal in your pantry.
When you go grocery shopping you trust that the products in the stores, especially the ones marketed to children, are safe. However, a new study points out some serious health concerns that may have you reconsidering purchasing these popular products.
What Popular Breakfast Item Is Linked To Cancer?
Recently Quaker Oats has been involved in some major recalls and their name was also included in this new study that stated that Cheerios cereal is linked to cancer.
Cheerios With Cancer Causing Chemical:
- Regular Cheerios
- Honey Nut Cheerios
- Cheerios Oat Crunch Oats n' Honey
- Frosted Cheerios.
Avoid These Quaker Oats Products:
- Quaker Old Fashioned Oats
- Quaker Instant Oatmeal Maple & Brown Sugar
- Quaker Chewy Dark Chocolate Chunk
What Chemical Is Linked to Cancer?
According to the study the chemical in question is chlormequat chloride, which "is present in the U.S. food supply, primarily in oat-based products, and is detectable in a majority of urine samples".
Not only is cancer a primary concern for people who consume these products but the study also states that fertility issues are a major concern as well. The study goes on to say that it is imperative that we understand, "the potential health harms of this agricultural chemical at environmentally relevant exposure levels, particularly during pregnancy."
What Is Chlormequat Chloride?
According to PubChem.com, it is an organic chloride salt that has a crystal like texture and a fish like odor. It is commonly used as a plant growth retardant to produce plants with sturdier, thicker stalks, particularly for cereal crops.
LOOK: 40 Discontinued & Special Edition Kellogg's Cereals
Gallery Credit: John Robinson