LIC IPO Latest Update 2022 || lic share price || lic ipo launch date || lic ipo lot suze
IC IPO Latest Update 2022 || lic share price || lic ipo launch date || lic ipo lot suze The first public offer of the country\'s largest life insurance company Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) will come in the stock market on which date in 2022.If you are an LIC policy holder then you have a good chance to invest money in LIC IPO.How much percentage stake will the government buy in LIC ? What will be the cost of one share of LIC. What will be the lot size of LIC IPO ? Link PAN card with LIC policy. Watch the video for complete details. Like & Share this video.Don\'t forget to subscribe our Suresh Kumar Sharma youtube channel.Thankyou. LIC IPO LATEST UPDATE 24 APRIL 2022 देश की सबसे बड़ी जीवन बीमा कंपनी भारतीय जीवन बीमा निगम (एल आई सी) का प्रथम जन प्रस्ताव स्टॉक मार्किट मे